abara bone | 肋骨 | rib cage |
abareru hito | 暴れる人 | a person resisting to get tied |
abazure onna | あばずれ女 | bitch, tigress |
abura | 油 | oil, fat |
aburi sushi | 炙り寿司 | slightly roasted sushi |
aburidasu | 炙り出す | burn (someone) out (of his hole) |
achi ike | あっちいけ | go away, piss off |
achi kochi | あちこち | here and there |
afutaa | アフター | After (going out with a customer after the bar closes.) |
agarimasu | 上がります | lift up |
agechin | 上げチン | lucky dick |
ageha | アゲハ | swallowtail (butterfly) |
ageha chou | アゲハ蝶 | swallowtail butterfly |
agemaki musubi | 総角(あげまき)結び | full square knot |
ageman | , あげまん | lucky pussy, a woman that brings good fortune to her male partner |
agemasu | あげます | give or raise |
ago | 顎 (あご) | jaw, chin |
agura | 胡座 | cross-legged |
agurazuri | 胡座吊り | cross-legged suspension |
agurasuwari | 胡座座り | sitting cross-legged |
ah so desuka | あそうですか | is that so? |
ahegao | アヘ顔 | making a face with eyes rolled up and in ecstasy |
ahen | 阿片 | opium |
ahiru | あひる | duck |
ahiru guchi | あひる口 | duckbill (sporting a pouty snout is viewed as looking cute and sexy on young Japanese women) |
ahou | 阿呆 | fool, simpleton |
ahoudori | アホウ鳥 | albatross |
ai ai hoteru | あいあいホテル (愛愛ホテル) | love hotel |
ai masuku | アイマスク | eye mask |
ai saretai | 愛されたい | desire to be loved |
aibo | 愛慕 | adoration |
aibu | 愛撫 | caress, fondling, petting |
aibu shibari | 愛撫縛り | caressing rope, love bondage |
aibunawa | 愛撫縄 | caressing rope |
aidoru | アイドル | idol |
aieki | 愛液 | love juice |
aijin | 愛人 | lover, paramour |
aijiru | 愛汁 | love (pussy) juice |
aijou | 愛情 | affection |
aikata | 相方 | partner |
aikawarazu | 相変わらず | as usual, unchanged |
aiken | 愛犬 | pet dog |
Aikido | 合気道 | Aikido |
Aikijujutsu | 合気柔術 | Aikijujutsu |
aimai | 曖昧 | ii koto ka, warui koto ka, ambiguous, unsure |
aimashou | 会いましょう | let’s meet |
aisahen | 愛さへん | (Kansai dialect meaning one does not love) |
aisanai | 愛さない | doesn’t love |
aisatsu | 挨拶 | greeting |
aisatsu shibari | 挨拶縛り | greeting shibari |
aisatsunawa | 挨拶縄 | greeting tie |
aishite nai wake jya nai | 愛してない訳じゃない | it’s not that I don’t love you |
aishou | 相性 | compatibility |
aishou ga ii | 相性がいい | nice match |
aishou ga warui | 相性が悪い | not a good match, they can’t get along well |
aite | 相手 | partner, the other person |
aite o mitomeru | 相手を認める | recognize the uke, accept your opponent |
aiteiru | 空いている | vacant |
aitemasuka | 空いてますか | are you open?, do you have time? |
aitsu | あいつ | that guy/girl |
aitsu ni horeta | あいつに惚れた | I fell in love with him/her |
aizome | 藍染 | indigo |
aji | あじ | horse mackerel |
aji | 味 | taste |
aka chouchin | 赤提灯 | red lantern (indicating a drinking place) |
aka oni | 赤鬼 | red ogre, red demon |
akachan | 赤ちゃん | baby |
akademii | アカデミー | academy |
akagai | 赤貝 | ark shell |
akai ito | 赤い糸 | red string of fate, the story goes that two true lovers are connected by a red thread |
akaji | 赤字 | loss, deficit |
akan | あかん | no good (Kansai dialect) |
akasen | 赤線 | official prostitution district |
akasen / aosen | 赤線 / 青線 | borderline of what is permissible under the prostitution law |
akawain | 赤ワイン | red wine |
Akechi-ryu | 明智流 | Akechi-ryu |
akemashite omedetou gozaimasu | 明けましておめでとうございます | Happy New Year |
akemasu | 開けます | open |
akeru | 開ける | open |
aki | 秋 | autumn |
akinbou | あきん坊 | a person who easily get tired of something and changes his/her interest often |
akanbou | 赤ん坊 | baby |
akirameru | 諦める | giving up |
akirametakunai | 諦めたくない | I don’t want to give up |
akireru | 呆れる | be amazed, shocked |
akiresu ken | アキレス腱 | Achilles tendon |
akiya | 空き家 | vacant dwelling |
akkan | 圧巻 | overwhelming, masterpiece, best part |
Akou roshi | 赤穂浪士 | the 47 samurais |
akubi | 欠伸 | yawn |
akushu | 握手 | handshake |
arukouru | アルコール | alcohol |
arukouru (ni) kabureru? | アルコール(に)かぶれる? | are you allergic to alcohol? |
aluchuu | アル中 | alcoholic |
ama | 海女 | Japan’s pearl divers |
ama | ebi – 甘海老 | raw pink shrimp |
amachua | アマチュア | amateur |
amachua moderu kangei | アマチュアモデル歓迎 | amateur models welcome |
anago | 穴子 | saltwater eel |
amai | 甘い | sweet, naïve |
amanogawa | 天の川 | Milky Way |
amanojaku | 天邪鬼 | evil spirits |
amari nawa | 余り縄 | surplus rope after a bondage is completed |
amatta nawa | 余った縄 | surplus rope after a bondage is completed |
amayakasu | 甘やかす | pamper |
ame to muchi | 飴と鞭 | carrot and stick; lit. candy and whip |
ami taitsu | 網タイツ | fishnet stockings |
amimono | 編み物 | magic rope, knitted, knitting |
ana | 穴 | hole |
ana tsurushi | 穴吊るし | pit torture (by sakasa-zuri, inverted suspension) in Edo period |
anaguma | 穴熊 | hole bear aka badger, raccoon |
anaru baibu | アナルバイブ | anal vibrator |
anaru fakku | アナルファック | anal fuck |
anaru fukku | アナルフック | anal hook |
anaru kakuchou | アナル拡張 | anal extension |
anaru paaru | アナルパール | anal perls |
anaru puragu | アナルプラグ | anal plug |
anaru reipu | アナルレイプ | anal rape |
anaruzeme | アナル責め | anal torture |
anata | あなた (貴方) | you |
anata ni tsuite motto oshiete kudasai | あなたについてもっと教えてください | tell me more about yourself. |
anata no katte | あなたの勝手 (貴方の勝手) | your own business |
anata no sei | あなたのせい | it is your fault |
anata no tame | あなたのため | thanks to you, for your own sake |
anata no okage | あなたのおかげ | thanks to you |
andaaguraundo | アンダーグラウンド | underground |
ane | 姉 | elder sister |
angura | アングラ | underground, not mainstream |
aniki | 兄貴 | big brother |
ankoku jidai | 暗黒時代 | Dark Ages |
ankokugai | 暗黒街 | underworld, gangland |
anma | 按摩 | massage, massagist |
anma o dase | 按摩を出せ | send the massage guy out (Zatoichi) |
anraku | 安楽 | comfort, easy |
ansei | 安静 | rest |
ansha horin | 安車蒲輪 | respect and treasure elders |
anshin | 安心 | peace of mind, safe |
anshou bangou | 暗証番号 | security code |
anza | 安座 | cross-legged, sitting relaxed |
anzen kakunin | 安全確認 | safety check |
Anzen ni kinbaku no sekai o shiru zekkou no chansu. | 安全に緊縛の世界を知る絶好のチャンス | A great chance to learn about the world of bondage safely. |
anzen o mamoru tame | 安全を守るため | in order to protect the safety |
anzen tenken | 安全点検 | safety inspection |
aojiru | 青汁 | green (health) juice |
aomuke ni natte kudasai | 仰向けになってください | turn face up, lie on your back |
aomuke zuri | 仰向け吊り | face-up suspension |
aosen | 青線 | unofficial prostitution district |
apaato | アパート | apartment |
apo | den – アポ電 | appointment denwa robbery scheme |
apo | den goutou – アポ電強盗 | robbery after making a phone call asking how much money is in the house |
apointo o toru | アポイントを取る | scheduling an appointment |
appaku | 圧迫 | pressure, squeeze, compression |
arasete kudasai | 荒らせて下さい | please be rough to me |
aratamete | 改めて | again, anew |
arerugii | アレルギー | allergy |
ari | 蟻 | ant |
arigatou | ありがとう | thank you |
arubaito | アルバイト | part-time job |
arumi | アルミ | aluminum |
arumi haizai | アルミ廃材 | aluminum scrap |
aruteido no shuunyuu mo eraremasu. | ある程度の収入も得られます | You can also earn some income. |
asa | 朝 | morning |
asa | 麻 | hemp/jute |
asa gohan | 朝御飯 | breakfast |
asa ito | 麻絲 | linen |
asadachi | 朝立ち | morning wood |
asahi | 朝日 | morning sun |
asai | 浅い | shallow |
asaichi | 朝一 | first thing in the morning |
asanawa | 麻縄 | jute rope |
asanawa o matou sugata to hyoujou wa inbi desu ne | 麻縄を纏う姿と表情は淫靡ですね | the appearance and facial expression of being dressed in rope is obscene |
asanohana | 麻の花 | hemp flower; a stylized pattern which can be found on tenugui, the small cloth favored by SM players to be used as blindfolds or mouth gags |
ase | 汗 | sweat |
asemo | 汗疹 | heat rash, heat pimple |
ashi ga tsuru | 足がつる | leg cramps |
ashi ga tsutta | 足がつった | leg cramp |
ashi guse warui | 足癖悪い | bad foot behavior |
ashi kaikyaku | 足開脚 | legs spread |
ashi no kou | 足の甲 | top of the foot, instep |
ashi no ura | 足の裏 | sole, back of the feet |
ashi o magete kudasai | 足を曲げてください | pls bend your legs |
ashi o nobashite kudasai | 足を伸ばしてください | pls straighten your leg |
ashi ura awase shibari | 足裏合わせ縛り | soles tied together (while sitting) |
ashi | man – 足マン | toe sex |
ashi awase | 足合わせ | foot alignment |
ashiba | 足場 | scaffolding |
ashigatame | 足固め | tying the legs together (to prevent from getting away or swimming) |
ashikase | 足かせ (足枷) | legcuffs, shackles |
ashikoki | 足コキ | foot job |
ashikubi | 足首 | ankle |
ashi o kumu | 足を組む | legs crossed |
ashita no ban | 明日の晩 | tomorrow night |
asobi | 遊び | play |
asobi gokoro | 遊び心 | heart for enjoyment, a playful state of mind |
asobi keiko | 遊び稽古 | lay practice |
asobi nawa | 遊び縄 | a) pleasure rope (when tying for enjoyment), b) leaving enough “play” in a rope to allow for movement (leeway, play) such as wrist tied to a hard point without overstretching the arms |
asobi ni ikimasu | 遊びに行きます | I will come to play, I will visit you |
asobou | 遊ぼう | let’s play |
ata | 咫 | 18 cm |
atama | 頭 | head |
atama moya | moya – 頭もやもや | white out (when receiving SM) |
atari mae | 当たり前 | matter of fact, naturally |
atatamete kudasai | 温めて下さい | please warm it up |
ato | 後 | after, later |
ato | 跡 | trace, harmless marks or rope marks, that don’t last more than a few hours |
ato nokoranai | 跡残らない | without leaving marks |
atobarai | 後払い | deferred payment |
atsumaru | 集まる | gather, |
atsumeru | 集める | collect |
atta | 会った | we met, matched |
attakoto aru | 会ったことある | we have met before |
atte kurete arigatou | 会ってくれてありがとう | thank you for meeting me |
atteru | 合ってる | match |
atto iuma | あっという間 | in a blink of an eye, time flies |
au | 合う | match, meet |
adaruto bideo | アダルトビデオ | adult video |
AV joyuu | AV女優 | adult video actress |
AV danyuu | AV男優 | adult video actor |
awabi | 鮑 | abalone |
awahime | 泡姫 | foam princess |
awai | 淡い | pale, used to describe feeling or color |
awanakatta | 会わなかった | failed to meet, failed to make a connection |
awaseru | 合わせる | bring together, customize |
awasete | 合わせて | together |
ayashi sugiru | 怪しすぎる | too weird |
ayashii | 怪しい | suspicious |
ayashii densetsu | 怪しい伝説 | dubious legend |
ayashii ojisan | 怪しいおじさん | suspicious old man |
ayatori | 綾取り | cat’s cradle, string figure finger game |
ayatorinawa | 綾取り縄 | cat’s cradle tie |
aza | あざ | bruises or rope marks that don’t last more than a few days |
azukarimasu | 預かります | I’ll take care of it |
azukeru | 預ける | deposit (luggage) |